Le Canzoni dei Talking Heads

Trovi i titoli di tutte le canzoni famose dei Talking Heads.
I brani sono stati classificati in base al numero di segnalazioni ricevute: dalla hit più amata a quella meno votata.

  1. Psycho Killer
  2. Road To Nowhere
  3. The Great Curve
  4. Born Under Punches (the Heat Goes On)
  5. The Big Country
  6. Found A Job
  7. Bill
  8. Drugs
  9. Heaven
  10. The Overload
  11. Girlfriend Is Better
  12. Once In A Lifetime
  13. Papa Legba
  14. Burning Down The House
  15. Cities
  16. City Of Dreams
  17. Crosseyed And Painless
  18. Mind
  19. Mr. Jones
  20. Stay Hungry
  21. Sugar On My Tongue
  22. Swamp
  23. Take Me To The River
  24. Television Man
  25. Thank You For Sending Me An Angel
  1. Totally Nude
  2. Izimbra
  3. Once In Lifetime
  4. Pulled Up

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