Le Canzoni degli Stratovarius

Trovi i titoli di tutte le canzoni famose degli Stratovarius.
I brani sono stati classificati in base al numero di segnalazioni ricevute: dalla hit più amata a quella meno votata.

  1. Hunting High And Low
  2. Eagleheart
  3. Paradise
  4. Black Diamond
  5. Forever
  6. Destiny
  7. Mother Gaia
  8. Speed Of Light
  9. Before The Winter
  10. A Drop In The Ocean
  11. Coming Home
  12. Forever Is Today
  13. The Kiss Of Judas
  14. Witch - Hunt
  15. Twilight Symphony
  16. Years Go By
  17. 40000 Rainy Nights
  18. Anthem Of The World
  19. Cold Winter Nights
  20. Darkness
  21. Dream With Me
  22. Falling Into Fantasy
  23. False Messiah
  24. Fire Dance
  25. Fright Night
  1. Future Shock
  2. Glory Of The World
  3. Goodbye
  4. I'm Still Alive
  5. Keep The Flame
  6. Liberty
  7. Night Screamer
  8. Phoenix
  9. S.o.s.
  10. Season Of Change
  11. The Land Of Ice And Snow
  12. What Can I Say
  13. When The Night Meets The Day
  14. Why Are We Here?
  15. Eternity
  16. Infinity
  17. Stratosphere

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