Le Canzoni dei Simply Red

Trovi i titoli di tutte le canzoni famose dei Simply Red.
I brani sono stati classificati in base al numero di segnalazioni ricevute: dalla hit più amata a quella meno votata.

  1. Stars
  2. So Not Over You
  3. Stay
  4. Fake
  5. Money's Too Tight (to Mention)
  6. Sunrise
  7. If You Don't Know Me By Now
  8. Holding Back The Years
  9. Home
  10. Say You Love Me
  11. The World And You Tonight
  12. Perfect Love
  13. Picture Book
  14. You Make Me Feel Brand New
  15. Jericho
  16. It's Only Love
  17. It's You
  18. Little Englander
  19. Night Nurse
  20. Someday In My Life
  21. You've Got It
  22. A Starry Night
  23. Beside You
  24. Debris
  25. Love For Sale
  1. More
  2. Oh! What A Girl!
  3. Smile
  4. The Death Of The Cool
  5. The Right
  6. They Don't Know
  7. Thrill Me
  8. We Are In This Together
  9. For Your Babies
  10. Lives And Loves
  11. Something Got Me Started

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