Le Canzoni di Selena Gomez

Trovi i titoli di tutte le canzoni famose di Selena Gomez.
I brani sono stati classificati in base al numero di segnalazioni ricevute: dalla hit più amata a quella meno votata.

  1. Who Says
  2. Love You Like A Love Song
  3. Naturally
  4. Come And Get It
  5. Slow Down
  6. Love On
  7. A Year Without Rain
  8. Single Soon
  9. Good For You
  10. Shake It Up
  11. Same Old Love
  12. Round And Round
  13. Bang Bang Bang
  14. Hands To Myself
  15. My Mind & Me
  16. Undercover
  17. Wolves
  18. Like A Champion
  19. Lose You To Love Me
  20. Love Will Remember
  21. My Dilemma
  22. We Don't Talk Anymore
  23. Fly To Your Heart
  24. Hit The Lights
  25. Tell Me Something I Don't Know
  1. The Heart Wants What It Wants
  2. De Una Vez
  3. Fetish
  4. Ghost Of You
  5. Magic
  6. Sober
  7. Spotlight
  8. B.e.a.t.
  9. Come & Get It
  10. One And The Same
  11. Stars Dance
  12. Do It
  13. Me & The Rhythm
  14. Nobody
  15. Write Your Name
  16. Dices
  17. Falling Down
  18. Kiss & Tell
  19. More
  20. Not Over It
  21. Off The Chain
  22. Rock God
  23. Summer's Not Hot
  24. Trust In Me
  25. We Own The Night

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