Le Canzoni di Rihanna

Trovi i titoli di tutte le canzoni famose di Rihanna.
I brani sono stati classificati in base al numero di segnalazioni ricevute: dalla hit più amata a quella meno votata.

  1. Diamonds
  2. Umbrella
  3. S.o.s
  4. Unfaithful
  5. Only Girl (in The World)
  6. Work
  7. Don't Stop The Music
  8. Man Down
  9. Te Amo
  10. Pon De Replay
  11. We Found Love
  12. Stay
  13. Disturbia
  14. California King Bed
  15. Rude Boy
  16. What's My Name?
  17. Where Have You Been
  18. Love The Way You Lie
  19. Russian Roulette
  20. Take A Bow
  21. Rehab
  22. What Now
  23. Cry
  24. Break It Off
  25. Shut Up And Drive
  1. Princess Of China
  2. Love On The Brain
  3. S&m
  4. Fourfiveseconds
  5. You Da One
  6. If It's Lovin' That You Want
  7. Bitch Better Have My Money
  8. Born Again
  9. This Is What You Came For
  10. Hard
  11. Bi*ch Better Have My Money
  12. The Monster
  13. A Girl Like Me
  14. Kiss It Better
  15. Let Me
  16. We Ride
  17. American Oxygen
  18. Pour It Up
  19. Skin
  20. Who's That Chick
  21. Haunted
  22. No Love Allowed
  23. Sex With Me
  24. Talk That Talk
  25. A Million Miles Away

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