Le Canzoni di Placebo

Trovi i titoli di tutte le canzoni famose di Placebo.
I brani sono stati classificati in base al numero di segnalazioni ricevute: dalla hit più amata a quella meno votata.

  1. Twenty Years
  2. Pure Morning
  3. Every You Every Me
  4. The Bitter End
  5. Beautiful James
  6. Sleeping With Ghosts
  7. Song To Say Goodbye
  8. Special K
  9. Special Needs
  10. This Picture
  11. Blind
  12. Infra-red
  13. My Sweet Prince
  14. Running Up That Hill
  15. Ashtray Heart
  16. Meds
  17. Passive Aggressive
  18. Black Eyed
  19. I Know
  20. Pierrot The Clown
  21. The Never Ending Why
  22. Too Many Friends
  23. Where Is My Mind
  24. Breathe Underwater
  25. Bright Lights
  1. Broken Promise
  2. Bruise Pristine
  3. Burger Queen
  4. Centrefolds
  5. English Summer Rain
  6. In The Cold Light Of Morning
  7. Kings Of Medicine
  8. Slave To The Wage
  9. Teenage Angst
  10. The Crawl
  11. Then The Clouds Will Open For Me
  12. You Don't Care About Us
  13. I Do
  14. Post Blue

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