Le Canzoni dei Nightwish

Trovi i titoli di tutte le canzoni famose dei Nightwish.
I brani sono stati classificati in base al numero di segnalazioni ricevute: dalla hit più amata a quella meno votata.

  1. Nemo
  2. Storytime
  3. Ghost Love Score
  4. Amaranth
  5. élan
  6. Over The Hills And Far Away
  7. Dead To The World
  8. Ever Dream
  9. Wish I Had An Angel
  10. Sleeping Sun
  11. The Islander
  12. Bye Bye Beautiful
  13. She Is My Sin
  14. Escapist
  15. Eva
  16. Planet Hell
  17. Wishmaster
  18. The Poet And The Pendulum
  19. Beauty Of The Beast
  20. Dark Chest Of Wonders
  21. Wanderlust
  22. Feel For You
  23. Forever Yours
  24. I Want My Tears Back
  25. Last Of The Wilds
  1. Last Ride Of The Day
  2. Master Passion Greed
  3. Moondance
  4. Nightwish
  5. Sahara
  6. Swanheart
  7. The Kinslayer
  8. While Your Lips Are Still Red
  9. Gothic Santuary
  10. Nymphomaniac Fantasia
  11. Tenth Man Down

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