Le Canzoni di Marilyn Manson
Trovi i titoli di tutte le canzoni famose di Marilyn Manson.
I brani sono stati classificati in base al numero di segnalazioni ricevute: dalla hit più amata a quella meno votata.
- This Is The New Sh*t
- Personal Jesus
- Sweet Dreams
- The Beautiful People
- The Fight Song
- The Nobodies
- Antichrist Superstar
- Heart-shaped Glasses
- Coma White
- This Is Halloween
- No Reflection
- Eat Me, Drink Me
- If I Was Your Vampire
- Mobscene
- Saint
- Tainted Love
- The Dope Show
- (s)aint
- Cruci-fiction In Space
- Irresponsible Hate Anthem
- The Last Day On Earth
- The Love Song
- Disposable Teens
- Man That You Fear
- Tourniquet
- 1996
- Great Big White World
- Lunchbox
- Putting Holes In Happiness
- Rock Is Dead
- The Death Song
- The Reflecting God
- Angel With The Scabbed Wings
- Born Villain
- Cake And S**omy
- Dogma
- Dope Hat
- Get Your Gunn
- I Don't Like The Drugs (but The Drugs Like Me)
- I Put A Spell On You
- I Want To Kill You Like They Do In The Movies
- Lamb Of God
- Mechanical Animals
- Organ Grinder
- Running To The Edge Of The World
- Slo-mo-tion
- Smells Like Children
- Use Your Fist And Not Your Mouth
- Wrapped In Plastic
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