Le Canzoni di Leonard Cohen

Trovi i titoli di tutte le canzoni famose di Leonard Cohen.
I brani sono stati classificati in base al numero di segnalazioni ricevute: dalla hit più amata a quella meno votata.

  1. Hallelujah
  2. Suzanne
  3. I'm Your Man
  4. Dance Me To The End Of Love
  5. So Long, Marianne
  6. Joan Of Arc
  7. Famous Blue Raincoat
  8. Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye
  9. Take This Waltz
  10. A Thousand Kisses Deep
  11. Bird On The Wire
  12. Everybody Knows
  13. If It Be Your Will
  14. The Future
  15. The Partisan
  16. Ballad Of The Absent Mare
  17. Boogie Street
  18. Chelsea Hotel #2
  19. Closing Time
  20. Dress Rehearsal Rag
  21. In My Secret Life
  22. Last Year's Man
  23. Light As The Breeze
  24. One Of Us Cannot Be Wrong
  25. Stories Of The Street
  1. That Don't Make It Junk
  2. The Gypsy's Wife
  3. The Letters
  4. A Bunch Of Lonesome Heroes
  5. Alexandra Leaving
  6. By The Rivers Dark
  7. Diamonds In The Mine
  8. Famous Blue Raincot
  9. Love Calls You By Your Name
  10. Master Song
  11. Who By Fire
  12. You Are So Beautiful
  13. Alleluja
  14. Take This Longing

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