Le Canzoni di Leonard Cohen
Trovi i titoli di tutte le canzoni famose di Leonard Cohen.
I brani sono stati classificati in base al numero di segnalazioni ricevute: dalla hit più amata a quella meno votata.
- Hallelujah
- Suzanne
- I'm Your Man
- Dance Me To The End Of Love
- So Long, Marianne
- Joan Of Arc
- Famous Blue Raincoat
- Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye
- Take This Waltz
- A Thousand Kisses Deep
- Bird On The Wire
- Everybody Knows
- If It Be Your Will
- The Future
- The Partisan
- Ballad Of The Absent Mare
- Boogie Street
- Chelsea Hotel #2
- Closing Time
- Dress Rehearsal Rag
- In My Secret Life
- Last Year's Man
- Light As The Breeze
- One Of Us Cannot Be Wrong
- Stories Of The Street
- That Don't Make It Junk
- The Gypsy's Wife
- The Letters
- A Bunch Of Lonesome Heroes
- Alexandra Leaving
- By The Rivers Dark
- Diamonds In The Mine
- Famous Blue Raincot
- Love Calls You By Your Name
- Master Song
- Who By Fire
- You Are So Beautiful
- Alleluja
- Take This Longing
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