Le Canzoni di Lene Marlin

Trovi i titoli di tutte le canzoni famose di Lene Marlin.
I brani sono stati classificati in base al numero di segnalazioni ricevute: dalla hit più amata a quella meno votata.

  1. Unforgivable Sinner
  2. It's True
  3. Here We Are
  4. Playing My Game
  5. Sitting Down Here
  6. Another Day
  7. Maybe I'll Go
  8. Story
  9. You Weren't There
  10. Fight Against The Hours
  11. Flown Away
  12. How Would It Be
  13. Disguise
  14. My Lucky Day
  15. Wish I Could
  16. Faces
  17. Kiss Me
  18. Never To Know
  19. What If
  20. Where I'm Headed
  21. Hope You're Happy
  22. My Love
  23. Still Here
  24. A Place Nearby
  25. All I Can Say
  1. Leave My Mind
  2. Sorry
  3. The Way We Are
  4. Whatever It Takes
  5. When You Were Around
  6. Blanket In A Park
  7. From This Day
  8. You Will Cry No More

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