Le Canzoni di Joe Satriani

Trovi i titoli di tutte le canzoni famose di Joe Satriani.
I brani sono stati classificati in base al numero di segnalazioni ricevute: dalla hit più amata a quella meno votata.

  1. Summer Song
  2. Surfing With The Alien
  3. Love Thing
  4. Always With Me, Always With You
  5. Home
  6. Revelation
  7. Crushing Day
  8. Cryin'
  9. Flying In A Blue Dream
  10. Friends
  11. Satch Boogie
  12. Secret Prayer
  13. The Extremist
  14. Up In The Sky
  15. A Train Of Angels
  16. Back To Shalla-bal
  17. Champagne
  18. Crowd Chant
  19. Day At The Beach (new Rays From An Ancient Sun)
  20. Hill Groove
  21. If I Could Fly
  22. Just, Like, Lightnin
  23. Rubina
  24. Starry Night
  25. The Eight Steps
  1. Until We Say Goodbye
  2. Why
  3. Z Z 's Song
  4. A Love Eternal
  5. Ceremony
  6. Ice Nine
  7. Movin' On
  8. One Big Rush
  9. Raspberry Jam Delta-v
  10. War

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