Le Canzoni dei Green Day

Trovi i titoli di tutte le canzoni famose dei Green Day.
I brani sono stati classificati in base al numero di segnalazioni ricevute: dalla hit più amata a quella meno votata.

  1. Holiday
  2. Jesus Of Suburbia
  3. Basket Case
  4. Boulevard Of Broken Dreams
  5. Wake Me Up When September Ends
  6. American Idiot
  7. Good Riddance (time Of Your Life)
  8. 21 Guns
  9. Minority
  10. Whatsername
  11. When I Come Around
  12. The American Dream Is Killing Me
  13. Know Your Enemy
  14. Letterbomb
  15. She
  16. Welcome To Paradise
  17. King For A Day
  18. St. Jimmy
  19. Waiting
  20. Longview
  21. East Jesus Nowhere
  22. Working Class Hero
  23. 21st Century Breakdown
  24. Give Me Novacaine
  25. Homecoming
  1. She's A Rebel
  2. Murder City
  3. Oh Love
  4. Warning
  5. Macy's Day Parade
  6. Are We The Waiting
  7. Peacemaker
  8. When It's Time
  9. Castaway
  10. Dry Ice
  11. Kill The Dj
  12. Hitchin' A Ride
  13. Jinx
  14. Ashley
  15. Blood, Sex And Booze
  16. Dirty Rotten B**tards
  17. J.a.r. (jason Andrew Relva)
  18. Last Of The American Girls
  19. Lazy Bones
  20. Missing You
  21. Stray Heart
  22. The Static Age
  23. X-kid
  24. 80
  25. American Eulogy

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