Le Canzoni di Elton John

Trovi i titoli di tutte le canzoni famose di Elton John.
I brani sono stati classificati in base al numero di segnalazioni ricevute: dalla hit più amata a quella meno votata.

  1. Your Song
  2. Sacrifice
  3. Cold Heart
  4. Nikita
  5. Candle In The Wind
  6. Rocket Man
  7. Blue Eyes
  8. Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
  9. Daniel
  10. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
  11. Blessed
  12. Hold Me Closer
  13. The One
  14. Crocodile Rock
  15. Finish Line
  16. Can You Feel The Love Tonight
  17. Don't Go Breaking My Heart
  18. Imagine
  19. Something About The Way You Look Tonight
  20. Song For Guy
  21. Circle Of Life
  22. Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me
  23. Little Jeannie
  24. Love Song
  25. A Word In Spanish
  1. I Don't Wanna Go On With You Like That
  2. Life
  3. Part Time Love
  4. Saturday Night's Alright (for Fighting)
  5. Sorry Seems To Be
  6. That's What Friends Are For
  7. Tiny Dancer
  8. Tonight
  9. Empty Garden
  10. Someone Saved My Life Tonight
  11. But Not For Me
  12. I've Seen That Movie Too
  13. Live Like Horses
  14. Whispers
  15. Believe
  16. Border Song
  17. Deep Inside
  18. Easier To Walk Away
  19. Flames Of Paradise
  20. Hello Hello
  21. Nobody Wins
  22. November Rain
  23. Philadelphia Freedom
  24. Recover Your Soul
  25. Sacrifices

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Puoi segnalare anche tu le hit che preferisci: proprio grazie al tuo aiuto possiamo creare la classifica delle hit.