Le Canzoni dei Dream Theater

Trovi i titoli di tutte le canzoni famose dei Dream Theater.
I brani sono stati classificati in base al numero di segnalazioni ricevute: dalla hit più amata a quella meno votata.

  1. Another Day
  2. Octavarium
  3. The Spirit Carries On
  4. As I Am
  5. Endless Sacrifice
  6. Forsaken
  7. A Change Of Seasons
  8. Scarred
  9. Metropolis Pt. 1
  10. Pull Me Under
  11. The Count Of Tuscany
  12. A Rite Of Passage
  13. Home
  14. Hollow Years
  15. Stargazer
  16. Through Her Eyes
  17. Stream Of Consciousness
  18. Ytse Jam
  19. Learning To Live
  20. Surrounded
  21. The Answer Lies Within
  22. Breaking All Illusions
  23. Finally Free
  24. On The Backs Of Angels
  25. Space-dye Vest
  1. Take The Time
  2. The Glass Prison
  3. Erotomania
  4. I Walk Beside You
  5. These Walls
  6. Build Me Up, Break Me Down
  7. Dance Of Eternity
  8. Goodnight Kiss
  9. Innocence Faded
  10. Metropolis
  11. One Last Time
  12. Panic Attack
  13. Strange Deja Vu
  14. The Dark Eternal Night
  15. The Ministry Of Lost Souls
  16. A Nightmare To Remember
  17. Afterlife
  18. Another Won
  19. Blind Faith
  20. Eldorado
  21. Eve
  22. Gangland
  23. Hallowed Be Thy Name
  24. Hell's Kitchen
  25. Honor Thy Father

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