Le Canzoni di Darren Hayes

Trovi i titoli di tutte le canzoni famose di Darren Hayes.
I brani sono stati classificati in base al numero di segnalazioni ricevute: dalla hit più amata a quella meno votata.

  1. So Beautiful
  2. Insatiable
  3. Unlovable
  4. Like It Or Not
  5. Void
  6. California
  7. Where You Want To Be
  8. I Miss You
  9. I Can't Ever Get Enough Of You
  10. I Knew I Loved You
  11. Truly Madly Deeply
  12. Two Beds And A Coffee Machine
  13. Affirmation
  14. Crush
  15. Crush And Burn
  16. Darkness
  17. Dublin Sky
  18. Good Enough
  19. I Like The Way
  20. Lost Without You
  21. Random Blinking Light
  22. So Bad
  23. A Conversation With God
  24. A Fear Of Falling Under
  25. A Hundred Challenging Things A Boy Can Do
  1. Bombs Up In My Face
  2. Casey
  3. Crash And Burn
  4. How To Build A Time Machine
  5. I Don't Know You Anymore
  6. I Just Want You To Love Me
  7. Listen All You People
  8. Lucky Town
  9. Maybe
  10. Me, Myself And I
  11. Neverland
  12. On The Verge Of Something Wonderful
  13. Setting Sun
  14. Sing To Me
  15. Spin
  16. Step Into The Light
  17. The Future Holds A Lion's Heart
  18. The Great Big Disconnect
  19. The Only One
  20. The Sun Is Always Blinding Me
  21. The Tuning Of Violins
  22. Waking The Monster
  23. Walk Away
  24. When You Say You Love Me
  25. Who Would Have Thought

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