Le Canzoni di Bryan Adams

Trovi i titoli di tutte le canzoni famose di Bryan Adams.
I brani sono stati classificati in base al numero di segnalazioni ricevute: dalla hit più amata a quella meno votata.

  1. Heaven
  2. (everything I Do) I Do It For You
  3. Please Forgive Me
  4. Run To You
  5. Summer Of '69
  6. Back To You
  7. Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman?
  8. Here I Am
  9. I'll Be Right Here Waiting For You
  10. All For Love
  11. Everything I Do
  12. Brand New Day
  13. Cuts Like A Knife
  14. Do I Have To Say The Words?
  15. Don't Even Try
  16. Go Down Rockin'
  17. How Do Ya Feel Tonight
  18. I Will Always Return
  19. I'll Always Be Right There
  20. On A Day Like Today
  21. She Know Me
  22. Something About Christmas Time
  23. Straight From The Heart
  24. That's Rock And Roll
  25. Thunderbolt
  1. We Did It All
  2. When You Love Someone
  3. Yesterday Was Just A Dream
  4. You Belong To Me
  5. Don't Give Up
  6. Home Again
  7. Homeland
  8. I'm Ready
  9. Inside Out
  10. Into The Fire
  11. Io Vivo In Te
  12. Is Your Mama Gonna Miss Ya?
  13. Lonely Nights
  14. Open Road
  15. There Will Never Be Another Tonight
  16. Walk On By
  17. When The Night Comes
  18. Can't Stop This Thing We Started
  19. When You're Gone

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