Le Canzoni dei Blind Guardian

Trovi i titoli di tutte le canzoni famose dei Blind Guardian.
I brani sono stati classificati in base al numero di segnalazioni ricevute: dalla hit più amata a quella meno votata.

  1. Mirror Mirror
  2. The Bard's Song
  3. Bright Eyes
  4. Nightfall
  5. Imagination From The Other Side
  6. Valhalla
  7. And Then There Was Silence
  8. Another Holy War
  9. Into The Storm
  10. Time Stands Still (at The Iron Hill)
  11. A Dark Passage
  12. A Past And Future Secret
  13. Fly
  14. Lord Of The Rings
  15. Frutto Del Buio
  16. I'm Alive
  17. Noldor
  18. The Curse Of Feanor
  19. The Last Candle
  20. The Soulforged
  21. Theatre Of Pain
  22. Born In A Mourning Hall
  23. Guardian Of The Blind
  24. Harvest Of Sorrow
  25. Imaginations From The Other Side
  1. Majesty
  2. Mordred's Song
  3. Mr. Sandman
  4. Otherland
  5. Precious Jerusalem
  6. Skalds And Shadows
  7. Straight Trough The Mirror
  8. Surfin' Usa
  9. Thorn
  10. Time Stand Still (at The Iron Hill)
  11. Under The Ice
  12. Welcome To Dying
  13. A Twist In The Mith
  14. Run For The Night
  15. The Maiden And The Minstrel Knight
  16. The Script For My Requiem
  17. To France

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