Le Canzoni dei Blind Guardian
Trovi i titoli di tutte le canzoni famose dei Blind Guardian.
I brani sono stati classificati in base al numero di segnalazioni ricevute: dalla hit più amata a quella meno votata.
- Mirror Mirror
- The Bard's Song
- Bright Eyes
- Nightfall
- Imagination From The Other Side
- Valhalla
- And Then There Was Silence
- Another Holy War
- Into The Storm
- Time Stands Still (at The Iron Hill)
- Lord Of The Rings
- A Dark Passage
- A Past And Future Secret
- Fly
- Frutto Del Buio
- I'm Alive
- Noldor
- The Curse Of Feanor
- The Last Candle
- The Soulforged
- Theatre Of Pain
- Born In A Mourning Hall
- Guardian Of The Blind
- Harvest Of Sorrow
- Imaginations From The Other Side
- Majesty
- Mordred's Song
- Mr. Sandman
- Otherland
- Precious Jerusalem
- Skalds And Shadows
- Straight Trough The Mirror
- Surfin' Usa
- Thorn
- Under The Ice
- Welcome To Dying
- A Twist In The Mith
- Run For The Night
- The Maiden And The Minstrel Knight
- The Script For My Requiem
- Time Stand Still (at The Iron Hill)
- To France
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