Le Canzoni di Anastacia

Trovi i titoli di tutte le canzoni famose di Anastacia.
I brani sono stati classificati in base al numero di segnalazioni ricevute: dalla hit più amata a quella meno votata.

  1. I Belong To You
  2. Left Outside Alone
  3. Paid My Dues
  4. I'm Outta Love
  5. In Your Eyes
  6. Stupid Little Things
  7. Best Days
  8. Sick And Tired
  9. Lifeline
  10. Welcome To My Truth
  11. Pieces Of A Dream
  12. You'll Never Be Alone
  13. One Day In Your Life
  14. Staring At The Sun
  15. Caught In The Middle
  16. Everything Burns
  17. I Don't Want To Be The One
  18. Calling All Angels
  19. Heavy On My Heart
  20. I Can Feel You
  21. Love Is A Crime
  22. Same Song
  23. Apology
  24. Cowboys & Kisses
  25. I Ask Of You
  1. Luce Per Sempre
  2. Rearview
  3. Time
  4. Underground Army
  5. Who's Gonna Stop The Rain
  6. Why'd You Lie To Me
  7. Black Roses
  8. Freak Of Nature
  9. In Summer
  10. Never Gonna Love Again
  11. Not That Kind
  12. Pretty Little Dum Dum
  13. The Saddest Part
  14. The Way I See It
  15. I Do
  16. Overdue Goodbye

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