Le Canzoni degli Alan Parsons Project

Trovi i titoli di tutte le canzoni famose degli Alan Parsons Project.
I brani sono stati classificati in base al numero di segnalazioni ricevute: dalla hit più amata a quella meno votata.

  1. Eye In The Sky
  2. Old And Wise
  3. Time
  4. Pipeline
  5. Don't Answer Me
  6. Silence And I
  7. Sirius
  8. Limelight
  9. Days Are Numbers
  10. Mammagamma
  11. The Turn Of A Friendly Card
  12. Some Other Time
  13. Hyper-gamma-spaces
  14. If I Could Change Your Mind
  15. In The Lap Of The Gods
  16. Prime Time
  17. Since The Last Goodbye
  18. The Gold Bug
  19. You Don't Believe
  20. Apollo
  21. Damned If I Do
  22. Don't Let The Moment Pass
  23. Gaudi
  24. Let's Talk About Me
  25. Press Rewind
  1. Standing On Higher Ground
  2. Turn Of A Friendly Card
  3. The Cask Of Amontillado

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